Royal Snow Ball is the second half of the sixth overall season of the Hatchimals CollEGGtibles franchise. The theme for this season is "Royal Snow Ball".
Official Description[]
Egg identification[]
- Greenish teal gem like egg: frosty friends or royal treasures
- Blue egg with vertical stripes: polar royals
- Dark pink egg: snowflake squad
- Light pink egg: cozy crest
Hatchimal Roster[]
Frosty Friends[]
Frosty Albasloth (Common)
Frosty Burtle (Common)
Frosty Camelark (Common)
Frosty Hummingbear (Common)
Frosty Bunwee (Common)
Frosty Chameloon (Common)
Frosty Donkemu (Common)
Frosty Draggle (Common)
Frosty Kangaroose (Common)
Frosty Lamblet (Common)
Frosty Parroo (Common)
Frosty Walwren (Common)
Frosty Zebrush (Common)
Frosty Lynx (Common)
Frosty Mouseswift (Common)
Frosty Penguala (Common)
Frosty Ponette (Common)
Frosty Puppaloo (Common)
Frosty Quokkoo (Common)
Royal Treasures[]
Gold Treasure Chipadee (Common)
Bronze Treasure Chipadee (Common)
Gold Treasure Frowl (Common)
Bronze Treasure Frowl (Common)
Pale Gold Treasure Goldfinch (Common)
Bronze Treasure Goldfinch (Common)
Gold Treasure Gorillabee (Common)
Pale Gold Treasure Gorillabee (Common)
Polar Royals[]
Royal Alligoo (Royal Rare)
Royal Bunwee (Royal Rare)
Royal Hiphatch (Royal Rare)
Royal Koalabee (Royal Rare)
Royal Pandoo (Royal Rare)
Royal Bearakeet (Royal Rare)
Royal Puppit (Royal Rare)
Royal Snailtail (Royal Rare)
Royal Tigrette (Royal Rare)
Royal Wolfee (Royal Rare)
Snowflake Squad[]
Snowflake Duckle (Ultra Rare)
Snowflake Macow (Ultra Rare)
Snowflake Octopita (Ultra Rare)
Snowflake Puppit (Ultra Rare)
Snowflake Turtuffin (Ultra Rare)
Snowflake Wolfee (Ultra Rare)
Cozy Crest[]
Cozy Alligoo (Limited Edition)
Cozy Bearakeet (Limited Edition)
Cozy Cheetree (Limited Edition)
Cozy Koalabee (Limited Edition)
Cozy Owlicorn (Limited Edition)
Cozy Skunkle (Limited Edition)
Jewelry Box Dozen[]
Purple Fluffy Kittycan (Common)
Yellow Fluffy Kittycan (Common)
Magenta Fluffy Kittycan (Common)
Blue Fluffy Kittycan (Common)
Green Fluffy Kittycan (Common)
Pink Fluffy Kittycan (Common)
Teal Fluffy Kittycan (Common)
Lilac Fluffy Kittycan (Common)
- This is the first season to be the second part.
- This is the second season to have accessories.
- This is the 5th season to have a theme: Winter.
- This is the second season to have full glitter hatchimals.
- This is the third season to not have speckled eggs.
- This is the first season to have printed eggs.