The Hatchimals YouTube series is the first cartoon series from Hatchimals, the second being Hatchimals: Adventures in Hatchtopia. It was released on December 1st 2017 and ended on March 26th 2018.
Meet Team Hatch and get ready for some egg-citing adventures!
Main Cast[]
- Katie Griffen as Zebrush
- Robert "Rob" Tinkler as Tigrette
- Stephany Seki as Penguala
- Bryn McAuley as Draggle
- Meet Team Hatch! C-001
- Tigrette to the Rescue C-002
- The Hatch Match C-003
- Penguala's Polar Prank C-004
- Hatchy Birthdays Forever! C-005
- Sandcastle EGGventure C-006
- Draggle takes the Cake C-007
- HOO's ready to Hatch? C-008
- The Hatchy Games C-009
- Copycat EGGstraordinaire C-010
- Down the Hatch C-011
- Babysitting EGGcitement C-012
- Hatchimals Got Talent C-013
- Hatch Forget Me Not C-014
- Hatchy Egg Day C-015